Source code for tabs.tables

"""Table base classes for defning new tables"""
import inspect
from abc import ABCMeta, abstractmethod
import hashlib
import dill as pickle
import pandas as pd

[docs]def post_process(table, post_processors): """Applies the list of post processing methods if any""" table_result = table for processor in post_processors: table_result = processor(table_result) return table_result
[docs]def describe(cls, full=False): """Prints a description of the table based on the provided documentation and post processors""" divider_double = "=" * 80 divider_single = "-" * 80 description = cls.__doc__ message = [] message.append(divider_double) message.append(cls.__name__ + ':') message.append(description) if full and cls.post_processors(cls): message.append(divider_single) message.append("Post processors:") message.append(divider_single) for processor in cls.post_processors(cls): message.append(">" + " " * 3 + processor.__name__ + ':') message.append(" " * 4 + processor.__doc__) message.append('') message.append(divider_double) message.append('') for line in message: print(line)
[docs]class BaseTableABC(metaclass=ABCMeta): """Abstract Base class for minimum table import""" def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): self.args = args self.kwargs = kwargs @abstractmethod
[docs] def source(self): """Path to the original raw data""" pass
source.dependencies = list() @abstractmethod
[docs] def output(self): """Path to the processed table (output path)""" pass
[docs] def fetch(self, rebuild=False, cache=True): """Method for fetching data""" pass
[docs] def post_processors(self): """A list of functions to be applied for post processing""" return list()
[docs] def describe_processors(cls): """List all postprocessors and their description""" # TODO: Add dependencies to this dictionary for processor in cls.post_processors(cls): yield {'name': processor.__name__, 'description': processor.__doc__, 'processor': processor}
[docs] def describe(cls, full=False): """Prints a description of the table based on the provided documentation and post processors. Args: full (bool): Include post processors in the printed description. """ return describe(cls, full)
[docs] def dependencies(cls): """Returns a list of all dependent tables, in the order they are defined. Add new dependencies for source and every post proecssor like this:: source.dependencies = [PersonalData] some_post_processor.dependencies = [SomeOtherTable, AnotherTable] `some_post_processor.dependencies` needs to be placed after `some_post_processor` is defined. """ dependencies = [] try: dependencies += cls.source.dependencies except AttributeError: pass for processor in cls.post_processors(cls): try: assert isinstance(processor.dependencies, list), \ "{}.dependencies must be a list".format(processor.__name__) dependencies += processor.dependencies except AttributeError: pass return dependencies
dep = dependencies """dep is an alias of dependencies""" # TODO: Make dependent columns method for use in tests.
[docs] def get_settings_list(self): """The settings list used for building the cache id.""" return [ self.source, self.output, self.kwargs, self.post_processors, ]
[docs] def get_hash(self): """Retruns a hash based on the the current table code and kwargs. Also changes based on dependent tables.""" depencency_hashes = [dep.get_hash() for dep in self.dep()] sl = inspect.getsourcelines hash_sources = [sl(self.__class__), self.args, self.kwargs, *depencency_hashes] hash_input = pickle.dumps(hash_sources) return hashlib.md5(hash_input).hexdigest()
[docs] def get_cached_filename(self, filename, extention, settings_list=None): """Creates a filename with md5 cache string based on settings list Args: filename (str): the filename without extention extention (str): the file extention without dot. (i.e. 'pkl') settings_list (dict|list): the settings list as list (optional) NB! The dictionaries have to be sorted or hash id will change arbitrarely. """ cached_name = "_".join([filename, self.get_hash()]) return ".".join([cached_name, extention])
[docs]class Table(BaseTableABC, metaclass=ABCMeta): """MetaClass for defining tables. Attention! The following methods are required when defining a class the inherits from Table Methods: source(self): Should return the table. For example pd.read_csv() **(required, method)** output(self): Should return the output path for where the finished table should be stored. For example a cache directory. **(required, method)** post_processors(self): a list of post processor functions of methods. **(required, method)** Example: Defining a table:: class UserDataTable(Table): def source(self): return pd.read_csv('/path/to/file') def output(self): return "/path/to/output" def post_processors(self): return [ my_custom_function(), my_second_custom_function(), ] """ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs): super(Table, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs) @abstractmethod
[docs] def source(self): """Path to the original raw data""" pass
[docs] def output(self): """Path to the processed table (output path)""" pass
[docs] def post_processors(self): """A list of functions to be applied for post processing""" return list()
[docs] def to_cache(self, table): """Defines the default cache method. Can be overwritten if needed""" table.to_pickle(self.output())
[docs] def read_cache(self): """Defines how to read table from cache. Should be overwritten if to cache is overwritten""" return pd.read_pickle(self.output())
def _process_table(self, cache=True): """Applies the post processors""" table = self.source() assert not isinstance(table, None.__class__), \ "{}.source needs to return something, not None".format(self.__class__.__name__) table = post_process(table, self.post_processors()) if cache: self.to_cache(table) return table # TODO: Check upstream if a table needs to be rerun (will be fixed based on hash included in settings for dependent variables)
[docs] def fetch(self, rebuild=False, cache=True): """Fetches the table and applies all post processors. Args: rebuild (bool): Rebuild the table and ignore cache. Default: False cache (bool): Cache the finished table for faster future loading. Default: True """ if rebuild: return self._process_table(cache) try: return self.read_cache() except FileNotFoundError: return self._process_table(cache)